AW: Heben-Tragen-Drücken
Weil ich es so grandios finde, hier ein Artikel für das einfache Training.
In dem ich mich voll und ganz wiederfinden kann.
Stone Lifting in the Land of the Vikings, Part Two
Posted by Brooks Kubik on July 29th, 2009
Okay, folks — as promised yesterday — here it is — from the Land of the Vikings –Peter Jensen’s dino-style, barbell, sandbag and stone lifting workout:
“Hail to all dinos from the Land of the Vikings!
In my opinion, there´s no such thing as a perfect training program. That being said, here´s the one program responsible for most of my progress:
Breathing Squats, 1×20
Pullovers, 1×20
Standing Press, 5×5
Bent Over Row, 5×5
Bearhug walk with sandbag, 1xmax distance
Gut work - bent leg situps, 2×8-15
Grip work - COC, 2xmax reps l,r.
Deadlifts, 1×20
Pullovers, 1×20
One-arm thick handle dumbbell bench press, 5×5 l,r
Rope pull-ups, 5×5
Farmers walk, 1xmax distance
Gut work - Turkish Get-up with sandbag, 5 min. nonstop.
Grip work - pinch gripping, 2x max seconds, l,r.
Odd-object day - various lifts with nature stones, sandbags and logs - max. duration, 25-30 minutes.
There you have it - pure and simple hard work, which as always pays well in terms of staying results. Readers of
Dinosaur Training will maybe recognize, that the template is almost identical to the one outlined in the “Keep It Simple” chapter - why try and invent the “perfect” training program, when Brooks has already done it?
Best of luck with your training,
Einfach nur geil, volle Zustimmung.
Mit einem "nur 50kg" Sandsack "Breathing Squats" zu machen--ist so mit einer der Erfahrungen, die ich sobald nicht mehr machen möchte. Vielleicht ginge es heute besser, aber im Dezember hatte ich es mal gemacht...BOAH!!