AW: Kettlebell-Clip-Thread
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quelle: you tubeOctober 23rd, 2010 I broke my World Record of 60 reps One Switch with the 60kg / 132lb Kettlebell by doing 70 reps. I'm actually lighter than I was in March at the Arnold Expo where I did 60. Many don't know this but I did an experiment on myself that took about a year. I might publish a report about ti all, but bottom line is while I gained weight and increased my reps slighting from Worlds 2009 until Arnold, there period I gained size and "strength", I actually did better with 8 months of gradually losing weight. I did not lose strength, I actually gained strength. My endurance was much greater over that period. I can say this 70 reps was easier than the 60 reps. I also think is I focused with the 132lb bell goal, I could do more.
was für ne Kugel?
Bei dem Video mit den zwei Mädels, war ich froh, daß die eine irgendwann mal aufgehört hat. Sah irgendwie ziemlich hektisch aus oder so....
"watch your pets" (im Vorspann) Gute Idee....